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Category: Freelancing

9 useful Podcast episodes for out-of-work Freelancers - Learn Free Skills

9 useful Podcast episodes for out-of-work Freelancers

Expert advice for anyone struggling.

Surviving as a freelancer is challenging enough at the best of times, let alone during a pandemic. For many of us who’ve lost work and clients, the focus right now is on pivoting and finding new ways to earn money, but that’s by no means easy. And being stuck at home makes things even harder, both practically and emotionally.

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4 ways to go Freelance as Beginner - Learn Free Skills

4 ways to go Freelance as Beginner

Enter any decent co-working space or trendy coffee shop and you’ll see them. Armed with a laptop, mobile and very little else, an army of freelancers is quietly revolutionising the creative industry.

But while the the design industry has never looked better, the Design Council’s 2018 Design Economy Report concluding more than half of respondents expect the demand for design-related skills to increase in their sector or industry in the next three years, making the leap to a life of freelance can be incredible daunting. The fear of the unknown can be crippling: will you be able to find work, find work that will really add to your graphic design portfolio, pay the bills, stay motivated? Are you too old – or too young? How should you prepare?

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learn freelancing from home

The art of going freelance to Boost your Career

I am going to let you in on a secret I discovered just recently. You see, for years I was chasing the same thing that most of us are: success. Whether that is in terms of money, fame, respect or something else – it comes down to how we define what ‘success’ really is.

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